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Free Consultation

Dr. Scorcelletti, by appointment, will offer a free consultation to any patient who is interested in chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic is a life-choice, that the patient makes to live a better life.
A responsable choice, that involves the beginning of a team-work between doctor and patient, aimed to the achievement of set goals , and of an adequate strategy to pursue them.
A choice  involving  some important changes in our lifestyle, to be able to achieve a new balance and harmony.
Are you ready for it???


Arcadia Chiropratica


Via degli Argonauti, 32 - 51100 Pistoia

Via dell'Isola, 16 - 55012 Capannori (Lucca)

Via Romana, 201 - 52100 Olmo (Arezzo)

Tel: 348 735 1885



Chiropractic, from the word “cheir”, hand and “praxis” action, was officially born in 1895 in the U.S.A thank to D.D. Palmer and it is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of neuro-muscular and skeletal disorders.
Chiropractic focuses on treating the causes rather than the symptoms, causing physical imbalances.

Arcadia Chiropratica

@2017 ArcadiaChiropratica - P.IVA 01925660472

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